Fernanda Prado Verčič
Director of Kranj Foto Fest
Fernanda Prado Verčič
Founder and Artistic Director of the Kranj Foto Fest (SI)
Agathe Kalfas
Founder of AK Whispers (FR)
Kateryna Radchenko
Founder of Odesa Photo Days (UA)
Ilvy Njiokiktjien
Photojournalist and storyteller from VII Agency (NL)
Giuseppe Oliverio
Director of PHmuseum & Lab & Days (IT)
Ziyah Gafić
Photographer at VII Agency and regional director of VII Academy (BIH)
Marija Skočir
Senior curator, Director of Jakopič Gallery and Match Gallery (SI)
Hana Čeferin
Curator at Galerija Fotografija, editor at ETC Magazine (SI)
Matej Sitar
Photographer and publisher at Angry Bat (SI)